Chronicles Von Quandt

The Story of The Adventures

Out of the Darkness|Episode 1

A Series of Vignettes

On the Soul’s Journey to Freedom


“The rent is too high.  We can not go there.”  She looked pleadingly at her husband, desperate to avoid disappointment again.  “Come on.”  He pleaded in return. “Things are looking up at work.  We’ll be able to afford it soon.”

Her shoulders fell and she gave in, again.  It was a familiar feeling.  The impending doom waiting ahead of her.  Looming upon the horizon.  Just hidden by a glimmer of hope.  Just out of sight behind a veil of faith.

She would meet it again.  Her foot plodded, first one, then the other, trudging knowingly behind the man she followed.  The rest of her body sagged under the weight of her heavy shoulders.

This was not the first time.

It would not be the last.

How she longed for a faith unshrouded in death.  A hope that did not glisten with a hidden ocean that would drown her once again.

Plod.  Plod.  Plod.  She would tread here again.  Hopeless.  Afraid.  Alone.






This entry was posted on January 14, 2015 by in Musings and tagged , , , , , , , .

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