Chronicles Von Quandt

The Story of The Adventures

Letters to The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

Is there something you wanted to discuss? It’s 3 am. Seems like a time that often works for you. I am here.

Yours truly,


Dear Sleepless,

Funny you should ask. We were just thinking of you. Not that we aren’t ALWAYS thinking of you. There is nothing we enjoy more than getting to watch you play with your physical experience.

We were just loving how brave you have been lately. So much quick expansion. You’re breaking out of so many molds these days – safety molds that you have used to keep feeling safe for so long. We are proud of what you have done to push past fears long-held. Fears about your body and family and security and how you choose your path. There are almost too many to count… except… we know EXACTLY how many there are. Cuz we carefully keep track of EXACTLY what is going on with you at every single individual flash in your time. Trillions of times per second we are changing the counts – how many cells are in your body, how many decisions you are making. Yep. We’re paying attention. We love you so much and we enjoy this journey together so deeply. It’s our favorite thing. Please let us know if you need anything. We are at your beck and call.

Yours truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

Well, since you put it that way, then yes – I DO need something. I am interested in discovering how to move into physical well-being. I want to support my body with the thoughts I think. Please advise.

Yours truly,


Dear Sleepless,

You are doing it now. This state you enter to flow this communication, it supports your body. Anytime you choose to be still and offer to listen for inspiration rather than run ahead in fear – that supports your body. You are doing it. You are making the choices that make the shifts that make the changes that alter reality.

It’s done. You’re doing it. Well – well – well done.

Yours truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

How can I support my body so it can sleep better?

Yours truly,


Dear Sleepless,

This isn’t about sleep, it’s about VALUE. You value being up in the day because it is “productive.” You DON’T value being up at night because it is not. Does that help?

Yours truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

Ok. So, I get that there seems to be a very strong theme right now in my life about valuing downtime, or, the time when I’m not producing anything. I do kinda have a question about that though. What is the point of something if it isn’t to produce something? For instance, what aout even something where there IS no product – like going to the beach. Well, doesn’t htat create value by virtue of making everyone happy? It IS producing – producing value, no?

Yours truly,

Sleepless & Confused

Dear Sleepless & Confused,

Ah! There you have struck on a logical fallacy which you have been operating under for most of your life. You have the cart before the horse, you have attributed the cause to an effect. You think that you go to the beach in order to CAUSE you to be happy. Then, as a result of the happiness, which you experience while you are there, you spend your time there in quietness, peace, reflection, or, emptiness.

This is actually exactly the OPPOSITE of what really happens! What is really going on is that you are going to the beach. At the beach, you spend time in quietness, peace, reflection, or emptiness. THAT is what subsequently leads to happiness. It is the simple act of NOT DOING which yields the happiness effect. That understanding is the horse before the cart. The emptiness, nothingness, reflection and peach LEADS in the happiness. Not the other way around.

You actually need A LOT of reflection and empty time buildt into your life. Indeed, it’s almost exactly the amount of time that it takes to breastfeed a baby (that’s how the world continues to perpetuate while nurturing new ones.) Do you know how much time that is? That’s 1,825 hours per year, 35 hours per week, 5 HOURS PER DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK! Five hours a day, my dear one. Five hours a day. Not checking Facebook, not writing, not DOING ANYTHING seven days a week, fitfty-two weeks a year.

Do you see that you run a deficit in this department? A MAJOR deficit. Forty-four years of life where you’ve run on about less than 1/5 of that – continually fill all your time with absorbing the new and never have a second to assimilate it into the being that you are, because you never take time just to BE.

Now your body forces you to make up for lost time. Or, you could choose it. You could choose to spend five hours a day in your “nothing” mode. And see how the Universe unfolds provision for you. SEE how you are supported. SEE how life begins to float you along like a dream boat. Five hours per day – seven days a week, 365 days a year. And, if you miss it one day – then you have 10 hours the next day.

Try it. Just SEE if it doesn’t solve all your problems.

Yours truly,

The Sirs


This entry was posted on March 6, 2020 by in Emotional Vitality, Healing, Musings, Physical Vitality and tagged .


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