Chronicles Von Quandt

The Story of The Adventures

Letters to The Sirs

Dear Sirs, how can I support my body to move into physical well-being?
Dear Sleepless, you’re thinking backwards…

March 6, 2020

Letters to The Sirs

Dear Sirs, We have had to attend to this long enough. If you persist in being absent we will be forced to take matters into our own hands. Yours truly, Jacob

January 14, 2020

My Life Story

It broke my belief. It broke my religion. It broke my perspective. It broke my world…

January 8, 2020

My Life Story

I’ll start my story on the swings. I must have been about 6. I remember the cool breeze in my hair. I remember…

January 8, 2020

Out of the Darkness|Episode 9

A Series of Vignettes On the Soul’s Journey to Freedom Create It was like there was a little bug in her ear, wigglin’ around, whisperin’ things. Like she never really … Continue reading

April 21, 2015

Don’t Stay in School | Boy In A Band

 This touching song by Boy in a Band exposes much of what I’ve been studying recently on the writings and philosophy of those who instated our country’s current school system.  Don’t … Continue reading

March 4, 2015

Out of the Darkness|Episode 8

A Series of Vignettes On the Soul’s Journey to Freedom Jeana loved it here.  It always brought the best out in her.  The singing, the dancing, the colors twirling around. … Continue reading

February 18, 2015

The Making of a Poem

This is a valuable essay on how to create beautiful poetry.  It was originally posted on YouTube following much conversation and written as comments to this music piece.  The instruction … Continue reading

February 10, 2015

Out of the Darkness|Episode 7

A Series of Vignettes On the Soul’s Journey to Freedom   She enjoyed the feeling of the leather on the steering wheel as she cruised to a stop in front … Continue reading

February 5, 2015

Life After Birth? Perspective

Davaun T Kurcz From The Asian Parent This is a beautiful piece of inspirational & creative writing.  Originally written recently in Hungarian by Útmutató a Léleknek, translated by Miranda Linda Weisz Life … Continue reading

February 1, 2015 · 4 Comments

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