Chronicles Von Quandt

The Story of The Adventures

Rapadyrup-Quick Healthy Pancake Syrup Recipe

This rich & naturally maple, easy to make healthy pancake syrup packs both a flavor & nutrition punch.  It is rich in minerals while easy on the blood sugar and quick to whip up.  Our family is never without it.  Not only do we serve it over our favorite fluffy gluten free pancakes but we also pack it when attending events where the sweeteners will all be heavily refined so we can enjoy this low glycemic pancake syrup over pancakes, waffles & crepes; in coffees & teas; and all the other goodnesses that are served with sweeteners.  It’s a delicious, healthy addition of yumminess.  I use it with raw cacao, a scoop of organic whey protein powder & organic milk to create hot cocoa for the kids too!


1 cup water
2 cups rapadura
1 tsp vanilla (optional)

Add ingredients to a small saucepan and bring to an easy boil while stirring occasionally.  That’s it.  The sugar will dissolve while it heats, turn it off and enjoy!


This entry was posted on February 16, 2015 by in Recipes and tagged , , , , , .

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